
2nd UNCHARTED co-creation workshop

Pati Manning, Centre d'Estudis i Recursos Culturales, Barcelona
15-16 June 2023

The second co-creation workshop of the project is held in Barcelona on 15-16 June 2023.

This workshop is gathering members of the Advisory Board, invited stakeholders from the various fields related to cultural policy and cultural institutions, and partners of the consortium who are part of the research process. The aim is to debate with actors about the central issues investigated during the UNCHARTED research, in order to deepen our understanding and, at the same time, to generate new hypothesis and research questions in the run up to the comparative analysis to be completed afterwards, and to look forward to the production of final project’s outcomes. 

The workshop is led  by UB, the project coordinator, in collaboration with  CNRS, lead partner of WP4, and ELTE, lead partner of WP5.

Click here for the Agenda and the Sessions of the workshop. 

Click here to download the Booklet and the Poster of the workshop.

The public presentations of the speakers are available in the page dedicated to the Agenda of the workshop.

The public deliverable that synthesizes the debates at the workshop is available for download (PDF).

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