University of Barcelona, ES
The Universitat de Barcelona was founded in 1450 and is ranked the first Spanish university in scientific quality and productivity. Degrees are offered in 73 different areas of teaching with numerous postgraduate and doctorate programs as well as continuing education courses.
Key personnel

Arturo Rodriguez Morató is Full Professor of Sociology and Director of the Center for the Study of Culture, Politics and Society at the University of Barcelona. Former Vice President for Research of the International Sociological Association (2006-2010) and Former President of its Research Committee on Sociology of the Arts (1998-2002). He was Director of the First ISA Forum of Sociology in 2008. He has been Visiting Scholar at the EHESS and the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme in Paris, at the New School for Social Research in New York, and at the University of Cambridge (UK). He has been Principal Investigator of several funded research projects within the Spanish National Plan of R+D+i. From 2015 to 2017 he has been Coordinator of the project CulturalBase funded by the EU H2020 Programme. He has published extensively on cultural policy, cultural occupations, urban culture and cultural sociology. Lately he has co-edit a special issue of the International Journal of Cultural Policy (24, 5, 2018), and now is co-editing a book on Sociology of the Arts in Action – New Perspectives on Creation, Production, and Reception (Palgrave, forthcoming).

Matías I. Zarlenga holds a PhD in Sociology from University of Barcelona (UB) and graduated in Sociology at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). He also has a MA in Art History from the University of San Martín (UNSAM) as well as in Visual Arts and Education from University of Barcelona. He participated as a researcher in various accredited projects related to the sociology of culture in the Gino Germani Research Institute (IIGG) at University of Buenos Aires. He worked as Associate Professor at the University of Barcelona and was Postdoctoral Researcher at Cultural Base Project. Currently he works as Professor and Researcher at the University of Tres de Febrero (Argentina). He also works as Collaborating Researcher at the Centre for Studies on Culture, Politics and Society (CECUPS) of the University of Barcelona. His research interests include Sociology of Art and Culture, Urban Sociology and Urban Cultural Policies. Today his research focuses on the analysis of urban cultural dynamics and policies. His publications include papers in local and international journals and book chapters on issues related to urban cultural creativity, cultural districts, cultural-led urban regeneration policies, etc.

Prof. María Andrade is recognized as a leading scholar in the study of sociology of tourism, culture and heritage. PhD in Sociology from Universidade da Coruña and a Master’s degree in Planning and Territorial strategies in current society (Universidade de Santiago).
Since 2010, he has been a Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of A Coruña. She has an extensive experience in teaching sociology of culture. Furthermore, she held visiting positions at Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologías de Lisboa; Facultade de Letras da Universidade do Porto; Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”; University of California at Berkeley; Università della Calabria and Universidade de Aveiro.
María Andrade’s research is based in sociology of culture and sociocultural projects. Her current lines of research mainly focus on Cultural Heritage and Tourism, Arts Tourism, Creative Tourism and creative and cultural industries. As a member of the GET (Group of Territorial Studies-UDC), she has co-authored more than 50 scientific papers in high-quality journals.

Arianni Batista Rodríguez is currently a PhD Candidate in Sociology for the University of Barcelona (UB), and member of the Center for Studies on Culture, Politics and Society (CECUPS) at the same institution. She holds a Master’s Degree in Visual Anthropology from FLACSO-Ecuador, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Art History from Universidad de Oriente, Cuba. Her main interest is the analysis of values, actors and dynamics involved in shaping the spaces of artistic and cultural production in contemporary societies, with special attention to those scenarios that mobilize and fuse a wide diversity of practices from different fields. In this regard, it is worth mentioning her current doctoral research about the emergency of the artistic craftmanship in Cuba during the last decades of the revolutionary period.

Anna Clot-Garrell is currently a postdoctoral researcher Juan de la Cierva-Formación at the Center for Studies on Culture, Politics and Society (CECUPS) at the Universitat de Barcelona (UB). She holds a PhD in Sociology with an International Mention from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2016) awarded with the “Manuel Sales i Ferré” Sociology Prize from the Institute of Catalan Studies (2018). Her research revolves around cultural sociology, social theory and sociology of religion. She has worked in different research projects and publications that explored the transformations of religion in modernity, the symbolic politics of religious diversity in public contexts, and the new spiritualities and contemporary therapeutic cultures combining theoretical and empirical work. Her current postdoctoral research project The Politics of Imagined Climate Futures explores the emerging imaginaries of climate crisis. She has been a visiting researcher at different international research centers in the United Kingdom, Canada and Switzerland and she is a teaching collaborator in the Social Science Degree at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).

Ariadna Peralta received a BA in Sociology from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and a MA in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature from the Universitat de Barcelona. She is currently a PhD candidate under the supervision of Dr. Arturo Rodríguez Morató. In her thesis she researches the Catalan literary field under Franco’s dictatorship and the Spanish transition. Her main interest is how sociologists might combine different “levels” of reality, theoretically and empirically, in order to explain cultural or artistic change. She also teaches Sociology of Culture and Cultural Studies in the BA of Sociology, at the Universitat de Barcelona.

Mariano Martín Zamorano holds a PhD in Culture and Heritage Management from the University of Barcelona (UB). He has a Master in Cultural Management (UB), a Bachelor degree on Visual Arts from the National University of Cuyo, Argentina, and he also studied a Bachelor´s Degree in Art History at the same University. He is currently pursuing degree studies in Social Sciences at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). Zamorano is specialized in public cultural policies and has several publications in these fields. He has taken part in more than twenty funded scientific investigations, which have been supported by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and the European Commission (FP7 and H2020), among other institutions. He has also obtained four individual research grants throughout his career, including the contract for Predoctoral Researchers’ training (APIF-UB). Zamorano has been Visiting Scholar at the Ohio State University, Associate Professor at the UB, and he currently teaches cultural policies at different UOC and UB postgraduate courses. Since 2010, he is member of the Center for the Study of Culture, Politics and Society (CECUPS). In 2019, together with Dr Arturo Rodríguez Morató, he edited the book “Cultural Policy in Ibero-America” (Routledge).

Uxío Novo Rei : PreDoc Researcher and Research Support Specialist on Sociology (UDC). DEA and Degree in Political Sciences from Santiago de Compostela University (USC). Master on European Union and Management of European Funds at UDC and Postgraduate on financial multilateral orgs at ABANCA Business School (IESIDE now). Proud Founder Secretary of Fundación Uxío Novoneyra. Board member of Praza Pública Foundation. He has been coordinator of the Management Committee to Ferrol World Heritage Candidature. Member of ACAMFE (Spanish and Portuguese Association of Writers’ Museums and Literary Legacy Foundations) and AGPXC directorate (Galician region Professional Association of Cultural Managers) in charge of internationalization. Member of Icomos Spain, Europeana and B.Creative network. He has been manager, consultant and cabinet advisor on some Galician city and provincial governments and Co-CEO and Dircom of several CCI enterprises.

María Victoria Sánchez Belando holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Barcelona (UB) and a Master in Cultural Management from the same university. She has obtained her BA in Social Communication at the National University of Cuyo (UNCUYO, Mendoza, Argentina). Her research interests focused in sociology of culture and urban sociology. She has participated in Research Projects, published peer reviewed articles and authored papers on urban cultural policies, citizen participation in local cultural policy making processes, social innovation and governance in urban policies. She is adjunct professor at the Department of Sociology (University of Barcelona) and member of the Centre for Studies on Culture, Politics and Society (CECUPS) of the University of Barcelona.

Glòria Guirao Soro holds a PhD in Sociology from the Universitat de Barcelona (Spain) and the Université Paris 8 (France) and a Master’s degree in Art History from the Universitat de Barcelona. She has been a visiting researcher at Goldsmiths – University of London (UK) and at the Centre Marc Bloch in Berlin (Germany). Her research interests include artistic migrations, cultural globalization, social inequalities in the cultural sector, European cultural policies and studies of artistic reputation. She is currently associated to international projects researching the impact of digitalization on cultural policies, and the politics of representation in contemporary art.

Alain Quemin is an exceptional class professor of sociology of art at université Paris-8 / Institut d’Etudes Européennes and a honorary member of Institut Universitaire de France. He holds a PhD from Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales and an « habilitation à diriger des recherches » from université Paris-3 Sorbonne nouvelle. He is an alumnus of Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan and Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris. He is a past president of the sociology of art research committee of the International Sociological Association and a past vice-president of the sociology of art research group of the European Sociological Association. Alain Quemin was an invited professor in numerous universites worldwide (UCLA, Columbia university and the New School for Social Research in the USA, université de Montréal in Canada, Universität Zürich in Switzerland, Bologna university in Italy, universitat de Barcelona in Spain, Unicamp in Brazil, Moscow university in Russia…). He also is a Fulbright alumnus. Alain Quemin specializes in the sociology of art markets and institutions. He also studies visitors’ surveys, the internationalization of the visual arts and the social construction of artistic reputations and consecration for visual artists.
He collaborates with University of Barcelona team as advisor.

Clara Lévy is a professor of sociology of art at the University Paris 8 / Institut d’Études Européennes and researcher at Cresppa-LabToP. She holds a PhD from Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales and an « habilitation à diriger des recherches » from université Paris 8. She is an alumni of Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan and she is graduate of Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris. Clara Lévy specializes in sociology of art and culture, and more specifically in sociology of literature and reading. Her first book was Écritures de l’identité. Les écrivains juifs après la Shoah, PUF, 1998. One of her most recebt books is Le roman d’une vie. Les livres de chevet et leurs lecteurs, Hermann, 2015. She is currently involved in a research on the writer P. Modiano and the conditions of possibility to get the Nobel prize.
She collaborates with University of Barcelona team as advisor.