1st UNCHARTED co-creation workshop
Faculty of Arts and Humanities of University of Porto
16-17 September 2021
UNCHARTED addresses a wide range of aspects and perspectives of the plural values of culture in different contexts and sectors.
Through an extended dialogue between the whole consortium, members of the project advisory board and other invited stakeholders will develop in the workshop an examination of the factors shaping the values of culture in Europe and will carry out a systematic comparison between perspectives on different areas of cultural practices where these values emerge.
The workshop is organised by the UNCHARTED project under the co-coordination of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of University of Porto.
The event takes place on the 16th and 17th of September 2021, including on site and online participation of partners and members of the UNCHARTED stakeholders group.
The programme of the workshop includes sessions devoted to present and discuss the results of Work Package 1 and sessions about the case studies carried out in Work Package 2.
Following the welcome message of Fernanda Ribeiro, Director of Arts Faculty – Porto University, and the introduction to the workshop by João Teixeira Lopes, Institute of Sociology of Porto University, WP Leader and Arturo Rodríguez Morató, University of Barcelona, Coordinator of the project, the first day of the workshop starts with the key note speech by Patrycja Kaszynska, University of the Arts London.
The first two sessions of the workshop are devoted to present and discuss the results of WP1.
Then, four sessions are devoted to present the case studies carried out in WP2, focusing on the three main areas in our project: cultural participation, cultural production and cultural administration. Advisory board members act as discussants in these sessions.
The work on the first day concludes with the speeches of Valentina Montalto of the Joint Research Centre and
Ben Walmsley, University of Leeds, who present their views about ‘The challenge of representing cultural value‘.
The sessions on the second day of the workshop aim to confront the synthetic representations of the configuration of values in the different areas of cultural practice elaborated along WP2 with practical reflections by selected stakeholders.
In the final session, partners and stakeholders debate about the Covid-19 impact on the values of culture in cultural participation in view of generating policy recommendations for cultural institutions at a time of recovery of normality.
Click here for the Agenda and the Sessions of the workshop. The presentations of the speakers are also available on this page.
Click here to download the Booklet with the abstracts of the presentations of the workshop.
Click here to download the Poster of the workshop.

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