3rd Party Events
The participation of UNCHARTED partners in external relevant events is one of the main channel to promote the UNCHARTED project.
These 3rd party events are important occasions to illustrate project objectives, activities and outputs, and to enlarge the project’s networks.

From 28 November to 1 Dember 2023, UCLG Summit Dublin
Nancy Duxbury, Senior Researcher and Co-coordinator of the interdisciplinary thematic line Urban Cultures, Sociabilities, and Participation at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra, partner of UNCHARTED, will be participating as a keynote speaker at the UCLG Summit, talking about the UNCHARTED project in the session “Measuring the impacts of cultural policies”.
The Summit is conceived as a Co-creation Exercise to envision the future, to hear voices from the all corners of the world, to show the power of local voices.

23 October 2023, Hybrid Conference: Online & Maribor, Slovenia
UNCHARTED participated in the conference with a poster and a registered video, to illustrate the work done in the frame of the Volterra22 case study.
The presentation illustrated the study that looked at the path that saw the participation of the city in the competition to become Italian Capital of Culture, and ultimately to receive recognition as the First Tuscan City of Culture. Through interviews to stakeholders and a public questionnaire, the study explored the wide potential for innovation that the strategic planning of cultural policies can have on a territory, from the cultural sphere towards innovating policies, in social and economic areas.

20 April 2023, ‘Urban Future’ Seminar at University of Santiago de Compostela
Uxío Novo Rey from the Coordinator’s team of the UNCHARTED project participated in the Urban Future Seminar, organised by the Territorial Analysis Research Group (Grupo de Investigación de Análise Territorial – ANTE) of the University of Santiago de Compostela. The media presented the urban and architectural proposals for the future of the Youth House in Santiago. The seminar has been the occasion to participate in the debate about common spaces and citizen participation and the role of cultural and public spaces in the city.

19 May 2023, Leuven
On May 19, 2023 KU Leuven, coordinator of the CitizenHeritage project, organised the workshop entitled “Can Cititizen Science Contribute to the Cultural Heritage Challenges of Today?”.
Antonella Fresa, Network & Communication Manager of the UNCHARTED project and Vice-President of Photoconsortium Association partner of the CitizenHeritage project, participated in the workshop to present the contribution of UNCHARTED to the question posed by the workshop. The presentation “Culture values, participation and co-creation: the UNCHARTED project” is available for download.

From June 18 to September 25 2022, Kassel
ELTE Team has brought UNCHARTED at RomaMoMA, the transnational, collaborative and discursive art project of the European Roma Institute of Arts and Culture (ERIAC) and OFF-Biennale Budapest. In Kassel, the group exhibition, “One Day We Shall Celebrate Again: RomaMoMA at documenta fifteen”, showcases artworks in relation to the idea, question, and (im)possibilities of a “RomaMoMA” (Roma Museum of Contemporary Art).

6 September 2022, Girona
UNCHARTED at WEAVE final conference.
Antonella Fresa, technical coordinator of UNCHARTED, presented the project at the conference “Weaving of digital culture: tangible and intangible heritage, cultural communities and digital transformation”.

18 May 2022
Seminar at the University of Toronto, School of Cities.
UNCHARTED was presented by its coordinator, Arturo Rodríguez Morató. Title of the presentation: “Investigating the value of cul-ture in Europe within the pro-ject UNCHARTED: research perspectives on the cultural policy domain”

4-6 May 2022, Athens
UNCHARTED at the MESOC workshop.
The MESOC Toolkit, the Delphi consultation and the policy dialogues are at the heart of the partners meeting.
The event is hosted by DAEM S.A. (City of Athens IT Company)

07 April 2022
Seminar at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University.
UNCHARTED was presented by its coordinator, Arturo Rodríguez Morató. Title of the presentation: “Researching the value of culture in Europe: comparative perspectives on the cultural policy domain”

28 March 2022, online
Seminar at the Center for the Study of Culture, Politics and Society (CECUPS), University of Barcelona
UNCHARTED was presented at a CECUPS Research Seminar, by Matías I. Zarlenga. Title of the presentation: “Practices of valuation and evaluation in Barcelona Archi-tectural projects”

10-11 March 2022, Bangkok (online)
UNCHARTED was presentend by University of Coimbra Team at the 19th Urban Culture Research Forum. Presentation: “The social value(s) of culture: Insights from an urban community-engaged artistic project”

14 December 2021, online
UNCHARTED was presented at the event “What’s the value in and of creative practice?” by Paolo Ferri, Associate Professor at Department of Management, University of Bologna.
The event was organized by UAL Social Design Institute (University of the Arts London).

September-October 2021
Seminar at the Center for the Study of Culture, Politics and Society (CECUPS), University of Barcelona
UNCHARTED was presented at CECUPS Research Seminar by Prof. María Andrade.

21-24 September 2021, Porto
UNCHARTED was presented at the event IV EIRPAC — Encontro Internacional de Reflexão sobre Práticas Artísticas Comunitárias, by University of Coimbra Team
Presentation: “Os valores sociais das práticas artísticas comunitárias: o projeto “De Portas Abertas” [The social values of community artistic practices: the project “De Portas Abertas].
3 September 2021, online
UNCHARTED was presented at ESA Conference 2021 by University of Barcelona and University of Porto in the session RN27 – Regional Network on Southern European Societies: “The values of culture in Iberian cultural policies from a European Comparative Perspective“
The presentations can be downloaded:
8 July 2021
UNCHARTED was presented at KISMIF 2021 conference, the international academic/cultural/artistic event in Portugal, by CES, CNRS and Goldsmiths teams.
29 June 2021, online
UNCHARTED was presented at “Ciência 2021,” the national science conference in Portugal, by Nancy Duxbury, University of Coimbra-Centre for Social Studies.
14 June 2021, online
UNCHARTED was presented at EVA 2021 Florence, the International Conference on “Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts” by Antonella Fresa, Promoter S.r.l., leader of the project’s communication and dissemination.
The paper proceeding is available for personal use at Electronic imaging & the visual arts : EVA 2021 Florence : 14 June 2021 (torrossa.com) pages 142-149.
14 May 2021, online
UNCHARTED was presented at the Cultural Politics Seminar of the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, by Prof. Arturo Rodríguez Morató who gave a lecture on the topic “Research Perspectives on the Societal Value of Culture”.
21-22 April 2021, online
UNCHARTED was presented at SoPHIA’s Stakeholders Virtual Conference “Cultural Heritage–Rethinking Impact Assessments” by Gábor Sonkoly, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary.
1 April 2021, online
UNCHARTED was presented at Creatour International Webinar “What’s happening now? Experimentation in delivery modes of creative tourism: in presence to online and back again, gradually”, by Oliver Peterson Gilbert, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK.
Paper Title: ‘The Willing Suspension of Disbelief’: Understanding the experiences of remote delivery during Covid-19
10 March 2021, online
UNCHARTED: a European research project on the value of culture and the arts
Prof. Arturo Rodríguez Morató and Matias Zarlenga, University of Barcelona, presented UNCHARTED at the ESA-Arts 2021 Conference “The Social Effects of Art”.
3-4 March 2021, online
UNCHARTED Research and Innovation Action
Prof. Arturo Rodríguez Morató, from the University of Barcelona, presented UNCHARTED at the panel debate “The social impacts of culture and cultural policies” of the 1st MESOC International Workshop.
3 December 2020, online
‘Neoliberalism’ and Cultural Values: Challenges for Artists
Prof. Victoria Alexander , University of London, gave a keynote address to the online conference “Another Artworld: Manifestations and Conditions of Equity in Visual Arts”.
The contribution can be viewed on YouTube here.