The dissemination and communication task plays an important role in ensuring visibility and maximising the impact of the project’s activities.
Dissemination is dedicated to share the progress and outcomes of UNCHARTED with key stakeholders and to prepare for the future exploitation of the results at the end of the EU funding period.
Communication aims to inform and outreach the widest range of audiences. It is focused on establishing connections and dialogue with the project’s audiences through channels that use online, digital and physical instruments.

A very important instrument for the project’s dissemination is constituted by three policy briefs that synthetize the research outcomes in short and focused messages targeting policy makers:
- D6.3 First Policy Brief is available. Download PDF
- D6.5 Second Policy Brief is available. Download PDF
The third policy brief is a confidential document.
The first policy brief has been produced at the end of the first year, corresponding to the completion of WP1.
A short summary follows.
Society, culture and economy became intertwined in a complexity of values and roles. A range of factors and the tensions that exist among them are proposed to policy makers as a basis for reflection on the development of policy lines that can contribute to a better awareness while shaping European, national and local cultural policies. The policy brief addressed the following points: 1) Gender equality in European societies matters; 2) Urban development and the social processes of gentrification, touristification and segregation have consequences on urban heritage preservation and on the society at large; 3) Globalisation and digitalisation have a strong influence on choosing future directions for cultural valuing; 4) Neoliberalism affected the cultural policy regimes of the thirty European Countries (the EU 27, plus Switzerland, Norway and the United Kingdom); 5) Historical and political experience in the last 20 years plays a relevant role in shaping cultural values in Europe today
- D6.5 Second Policy Brief is available. Download PDF
The second policy brief has been produced at the completion of WP2 in summer 2022.
Then, it was presented and discussed during the Central Event held in London organised by the UNCHARTED project in January 2023.
- D6.7 Third Policy Brief. Due by January 2024, corresponding to the completion of the whole project
Web presence
The project progresses are communicated through the following online channels:
- the UNCHARTED website that offers information about the project, its results, dissemination, concertation, events and much more
- the UNCHARTED blog, hosted by the digitalmeetsculture.net online magazine, that collects articles, events and initiatives in the field of Cultural Heritage (CH)
- the UNCHARTED Facebook page
- the UNCHARTED Twitter page
- the UNCHARTED LinkedIn group
A poster of UNCHARTED was submitted and published in the Digital Gallery of the REACH Social Platform on Participatory Approaches in Culture and Social Innovation.
Information material
During the project, a range of material is produced to inform and update our audiences about the project’s objectives and results.
They include: brochures, flyers, factsheet, general presentation, posters, roll-up, papers on scientific journals.
All the material available for public use can be found in the Download Area.