National Centre for Scientific Research CNRS, FR
The CEPEL is a research unit of the CNRS and Université de Montpellier (UM). Its work focuses on the comparative analysis of the transformation of democratic governments, first on the geographical area of Southern Europe, then extended to the “larger South” and North America. Its team includes CNRS researchers, UM research professors, administrative staff and PhD Students. It has trained 28 doctors in political science of various nationalities during the last 5years.
Key personnel

Emmanuel Négrier is Head of Research in Political Sciences and Sociology of Culture at the CNRS-Cepel (Centre d’études politiques de l’Europe latine), Université de Montpellier and Director of Pôle Sud – Journal of Political Sciences. Political Science PHD 1989 – CNRS bronze medal 1999. His research areas are the following:
– Cultural policies: spatial dynamics, cultural diversity, international comparison;
– Festivals: sociology, public policies, development strategies;
– The transformation of public policy, changes in territorial scale, regional politics and policies.
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Félix Dupin-Meynard is researcher and consultant in political science, specialized in social and cultural policies. Graduated in Professional Master of Political Sociology at Sciences-Po Toulouse in 2010, and laureate of the territorial public service executive contest, he leaded or contributed to numerous researches and evaluations for public and non-profit institutions. He has worked on a variety of subjects: citizen participation, gender inequalities, landscape planning, urban renewal and social dynamics in the peripheries, performing art policies, festivals and audiences, cultural strategies of local authorities… During two years, he has also been in charge of evaluation of public policies for a departmental government. Beside working at the CEPEL as a PhD candidate, he teaches at the University Paul Valéry (territorial policies and institutions, cultural policies, social policies, research methodology…), and contribute to action-research and training activities for several networks and associations.
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Claire Dedieu is a postdoctoral researcher in political science, specialized in public policies analysis. She currently works for the CNRS (CEPEL) in Montpellier.
Her PhD research in the national institute for agricultural and environmental research (Inrae, G-EAU, University of Montpellier) focused on the public policies in the water field. She published several papers on the subject in books and reviews such as Politiques et Management Public or Pouvoir Local. In 2019, she contributed to a research about social and territorial footprint of music and dance festivals.
Thanks to her background, she brings a fresh perspective to the team.
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