University of Bologna, IT
GIOCA Research Group (Innovation and Organizations of Culture and the Arts), Department of Management, University of Bologna. The research group is active in the field of management and innovation of arts and cultural organizations and the creative economy. The aim is to add a critical management view to debates in the cultural and creative field, which are usually dominated by macro-economic, sociological, juridical and strictly professional approaches. Moreover, the study of arts, cultural and creative organizations and their “anomalies” can contribute to managerial knowledge.
Key personnel

Paolo Ferri is an Associate Professor in Accounting at the University of Bologna. Before joining UNIBO, Paolo Ferri worked as a lecturer in Accounting at RMIT University in Melbourne (2015-2016) and post-doctoral fellow at Stockholm Business School (2013-2015). Paolo Ferri’s research deals with the study of change and innovation in accountability systems among professional organizations, such as museums, archaeological sites, and opera houses. His current research projects focus on heritage valuation for financial reporting purposes, university museums, digital methods for textual analysis, and the role of space in public sector reforms. Paolo Ferri’s research has been published in Accounting History, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, the Journal of Management of Governance, Financial Accountability & Management, and the European Accounting Review.

Luca Zan, Professor of Management, is involved in international teaching in Arts management: up to 2019-2020 Director of GIOCA (Graduate degree in Innovation an Organization of Culture and the Arts) at the University of Bologna; Adjunct faculty at the Heinz College, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, and CAFA, Beijing, teaching “General management and arts organizations”. In terms of research, Luca Zan is active in the field of management/accounting history, with several international publications on the history of managing practice in protoindustrial settings. He is also extensively involved in field research on the management of arts/heritage organizations, within an international comparative research. In particular, he carries out fieldwork in the State administration in China, Turkey, Peru and Ecuador, in addition to Europe. He is author of Managerial Rhetoric and Arts Organizations, Palgrave, 2006; and co-author of The Management of Cultural Heritage in China, Egea, 2008; Managing Cultural Heritage. An International research Perspective, Routledge, 2016; Heritage Sites in Contemporary China: Cultural Policies and Management Practices, Routledge, 2018. He also published extensively in several international publications on heritage and museum management.

Cristina Boari is full professor of Business Strategy at the University of Bologna. She has been the Dean of the Department of Management and the coordinator of the PhD program in Management of the University of Bologna. She was visiting scholar at the Institute of Business Research of the Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo, at the Graduate school of Business of the University of Wisconsin, at the Jaume I University of Castellon de la Plana and at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre. Present research interests include the relations between inter-organizational networks, entrepreneurship and innovation, with a special focus on industrial clusters and creative industries.

Rebecca Levy Orelli, PhD, is Associate Professor of Accounting at the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna. Her research interests lie in the field of accounting in the public sector and accounting as social and institutional practice. She focuses on social and environmental performance management and measurement. She extensively published her work in many international journals and books. She acts as reviewer for several international journals and joins international networks in the field of public sector accounting and sustainability. She has also trained government officials in Italy and has been active in providing consulting services to public sector entities.

Simone Napolitano, PhD, is assistant professor of Accounting at the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna and adjunct faculty at Bologna Business School. His research interests lie in the Strategy and Accounting fields, where he studies processes of change, the tensions inherent in organizing practices and historical accounts of innovation and conservation practices. His research has been published in international journals and books. Simone is involved in international teaching of Arts and Creativity Management at the graduate and post-graduate levels. He acts as reviewer for international journals and conferences.