Agenda of the workshop
Day 1: 15/6/2023
09.00 – 09.15 Arrival and registration
09.15 – 09.45 Welcome, Report of the coordinator and Introduction
09.45 – 11.15 PUBLICATIONS WP2 AND WP3
11.15 – 11.30 Coffee break
- 11.30 – 12.30 Strand 1: Report on fieldwork progress and agenda for future analytic work
- 12.30 – 13.30 Strand 2: Report on fieldwork progress and agenda for future analytic work
13.30 – 15,00 Lunch
- 15.00 – 16.30 Parallel sessions per Strand
16.30 – 16.45 Coffee break
- 16.45 – 17.45 Wrap up and general discussion
20.30 Social Dinner
Day 2: 16/6/2023
09.00 – 12.45 WORK PACKAGE 5
- 9.00 – 10.45 UNCHARTED experimental demonstrations in three axes of reflection and intervention
10.00 – 10:30 Coffee break
- 11.00 – 12.00 Parallel discussion sessions on future work in the three Axes
- 12.00 – 12.45 Wrap up and general discussion about UNCHARTED experimental demonstrations
12.45 – 13.45 PROJECT LEGACIES
- Project book
- Plan for a public event on the societal values of culture
13:45 – 15:15 Lunch
Sessions of the workshop
DAY 1 15/6/2023
Arturo Rodriguez Morato, UB
PUBLICATIONS WP2 AND WP3 (9.45 – 11.15)
Arturo Rodriguez Morato and Matias Zerlenga, UB
- WP3 book
- WP3 Special issue
- WP2 book
- WP4 Strand 1: Report on fieldwork progress and agenda for future analytic work
Emmanuel Negrier and Félix Dupin-Meynard, CNRS
This session aimed to evaluate the coherence of the implementation of values in cultural administrations, with a multi-level, international, inter-institutional and internal comparison, through 4 major evaluation criteria: internal coherence; inter-institutional coherence; social accuracy/relevance; governance/adaptability. Its methodology includes a comparative analysis of 13 case studies of cultural policies carried out by administrations (at European, national, regional and metropolitan levels), with a focus on the music sector.
The field surveys are currently underway, using a documentary analysis (choice of a common corpus), a budget analysis, and an interview survey towards 5 categories of actors (elected officials, executive bureaucrats, street level bureaucrats, external experts, and professional stakeholders), following a common interview guide, with 4 main themes: cultural policy objectives and values ; cultural policy implementation ; governance, adaptability and social accuracy ; evolution and change factors.
The mid-course meetings provided an opportunity to discuss the field surveys and adjust them in the light of the difficulties encountered (adapting the grid, broadening the interview samples, working on the types of relevant data to be collected, etc.) ; the next steps aim to share field results, and to draw up a comparison table and a structure for each case study, before drafting the report in September.
The discussion in Barcelona focused on the main analytical issues: how to construct and collect qualitative and quantitative indicators of coherence? How can we demonstrate to what extent a value has actually been implemented? What common comparative indicators can be collected for each kind of value?
Lead partner report, complements by the rest of partners involved, two advisors’ reactions, open discussion.
- WP4 Strand 2: Report on fieldwork progress and agenda for future analytic work
Emmanuel Negrier and Julien Audemard, CNRS
This session aimed to present the objectives of the second strand of WP4, the methodological choices and operational adjustments made by the partners involved, and the progress of the fieldwork carried out to date. This session was also an opportunity to open a first series of discussions around the feedback proposed by the advisory board members.
The general objective of Strand 2 is to provide a comprehensive analytical view of cultural policy effectiveness and impact in fostering the plurality of values of culture, with a specific focus on cultural diversity, equality, and inclusiveness.
The analysis carried out in Strand 2 focuses on eight cultural institutions in Hungary, Italy, Portugal and the United Kingdom. Case studies developed in Strand 2 are based on a qualitative approach in line with the general methodology of the UNCHARTED project but also mobilise quantitative data, when relevant and available, in a mixed-method logic to meet the objectives of
the strand.
The fieldwork is underway, and several issues could be discussed during this session: What criteria should be used to compare cases? How can we develop recommendations for assessing the social impact of cultural action? How can we map institutions that rely on informal evaluation methods? How can we consider the fragility of certain institutions?
Lead partner report, complements by the rest of partners involved, two advisors’ reactions, open discussion.
- WP4 Parallel sessions per Strand
Collective work on the agenda for future analytic workStrand 1: Cultural administrations
1. Defining values: hierarchy, tensions, evolution factors, …
2. Measuring implementation: coherence: budgets, strategies, criteria, …
3. Governance and social accuracy: debate, conflicts and negotiation with civil society and professional field
4. Discussion about report structure and comparative tables indicators (contexts; policy documents; budgets; qualitative data)Strand 2: Cultural institutions
1. Main findings related to RQ1
2. Main findings related to RQ2
3. Discussion about comparison criteria
4. Discussion about impact evaluation
5. Discussion about D4.4 structure
WP4 Wrap up and general discussion
Emmanuel Negrie, Julien Audemard and Félix Dupin-Meynard, CNRS
– Summary of the parallel sessions
– Advisor’s comments
– General discussion
Arturo Rodriguez Morato, UB; Emmanuel Negrier, CNRS; Antonella Fresa, Promoter
- The Roadmap for cultural policy action is one of the last deliverables of the UNCHARTED project. The aim is to collectively draw from the various Work Packages in terms of new orientations for public policy. To what extent does cultural action need to adopt a new agenda to better take into account and fully exploit the intrinsic plurality of the societal value of culture? In this session, the nature and structure of this roadmap are discussed.
DAY 1 16/6/2023
WORK PACKAGE 5 (9.00 – 12.455)
The work in WP5 has entered its third implementation phase. Following the London Central event in January 2023, the main case leaders started to implement their experimental demonstrations as outlined in the action plan (see D5.2). The UNCHARTED workshop in Barcelona provides an opportunity to carry out a first-round evaluation of the WP5 implementation phase.
The ELTE team shared their experience of participating in the stakeholder event organised by the main case leaders and provide information on WP5 coordination. Main case leaders reported on how work is progressing, with a stakeholder providing insights into other perspectives on the co-creative process. Based on the mid-term experiences of the third phase, the workshop enables also the main and control case owners to further develop their interaction schemes and to refine the three co-creative experimental demonstration cases.
As planned, stakeholder workshops will be held at the end of the implementation phase to debate on the work done in relation with
each of the three axes. The integrated organisation of these debates is also among the Barcelona workshop topics.
In addition, the structure and content of the D5.3 deliverable (Assessment report) due in November was discussed at the workshop in Barcelona.
- UNCHARTED experimental demonstrations in three axes of reflection and intervention
WP5 Report on the progress of action plans and future steps agenda
Gabor Sonkoly, Gabor Olah and Eszter Gyorgy, ELTEAxis 1. Cultural strategic planning
Antonella Fresa, PromoterAxis 2. Culture-led urban regeneration
Marinao Zamorano, UBAxis 3. Cultural information systems
Joao Teixeira Lopes, UPORTO Parallel discussion sessions on the future work in the three Axes
- WP5 Wrap up and general discussion about UNCHARTED experimental demonstrations
Gabor Sonkoly, Gabor Olah and Eszter Gyorgy, ELTE
PROJECT LEGACIES (12.45 – 13.45)
Arturo Rodriguez Morato, UB
- Project book
- Plan for a public event on the societal values of culture