The HeLLo project (Oct 2018 – Sept 2020, GA 796712) overall mission is to spread awareness about the most common energy retrofit solutions and to increase knowledge of their application in historic buildings. HeLLo defines the following specific objectives:
- To check the compatibility of energy retrofit technologies already certified and applied to new buildings on historic constructions;
To create a structured dissemination programme that opens the doors of the laboratory life beyond academic boundaries. - Results were being achieved through a twofold strategy. First, a true experimental laboratory in which energy retrofit technologies were tested and their real performances were quantified. Second, a project of dissemination laboratories that offers an experimental experience in order to make known the world of investigation by the practice of the living lab.
As the dissemination project was itself an integrated part of the research, the experience was addressed to different target groups, including the scientific community and professionals, public authorities, enterprises, and end users. For each of these groups, different dissemination tools/labs, time and strategies were foreseen:
- SCHOOLab: field work with students
- SOCIALab: HeLLo social media networks profile (IG @hello.h2020.unife; FB @Hello_h2020_unife)
- ONSITELab: onsite lab tours in Palazzo Tassoni (Ferrara, Italy), the in situ case study of the project
- VIDEOLab: action videos of the project and its activities (
- PRESSLab: press releases and articles in journals in which the host institution handles a section
- ONLINELab: the project’s website (
- PUBLAb: scientific publications
- CONFLAB: organisation of scientific events, such as workshops or conferences
Though the project ended already, further dissemination actions are planned for 2021. Please stay tuned to HeLLo communication channels.