


- Candidatures for Capital of Culture in Portugal
- Evaluation Report of UCLG

The knowledge gathered from the research has been the subject of three axis of experiments and demonstrations.

Each Axis has then been articulated into a main case and two further control cases. 

Where evidence emerged through fieldwork for the main case, it was then compared with the desk research conducted for the control cases.

Axis 1 addressed the question of how cultural values impact on cultural strategic planning.

The main case of Axis 1 is about the city of Volterra in Tuscany and its Volterra22 programme. 

The two control cases analyse the impact of the competition for Capital of Culture in Portugal and the result of an evaluation conducted

by the United Cities and Local Governments network (UCLG) on the cultural programmes in a wide range of European cities.

While the two control cases are based on the desk research of the Portuguese partners of UNCHARTED University of Coimbra and University of Porto, the main case about Volterra was led by partner Promoter that conducted a wide field-work.

The field-work activity included interviews with stakeholders, a public online questionnaire to the citizenship and a final event in Volterra on 30th October, 2003 hosted by the Municipality and open to citizens, associations, entrepreneurs and cultural managers who live, visit and operate in the city, to present and discuss the results of the study.

A book (in Italian and English languages) has been published to tell the story of the work conducted in the frame of the main case of Annex 1 about Volterra22. The book includes also an overview of the whole project, its research areas and a brief presentation of the control cases.


Download here
the ITALIAN version
of the book


Download here
the ENGLISH version
of the book

Download the Poster of the event (Italian language only)